Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Let's help our students reach their full potential!!

Our children deal with a lot of different situations during their schools years. Sometimes is difficult for them to deal with these situations alone. Let's help them!

Tomorrow I'll be hosting a chat on my Facebook page, Math Anxiety https://www.facebook.com/MathAnxiety/

Let's talk/chat about how our students can reach their full potential and how they can deal with their school life: students skills, academic skills, anxiety, test anxiety, bulling, math anxiety, etc.

Go to my page, Math Anxiety, and join me in this chat. Just post your questions or comments on the page. I'm sure that together we can learn a lot and will find different ways to help our students.

The chat will be from 5:30-6:30 (Orlando,FL time)

See you tomorrow!!!

Take care,

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